Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Musing over Macchiato's & Morning Papers

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Today's muse comes from a two-part article I read online at Huffington Post written by Christine Hassler, former Hollywood agent turned life coach and spiritual counselor. She's the author of two books "Twenty Something Twenty Everything" & "Twenty-Something Manifesto: Quarter Lifers Speak out About Who They Are, What They Want, and How to Get It." Hassler has become a leader among women in their 20's and is a reassuring voice for other women, having left a very successful career as a Hollywood agent at the age of 25 to pursue a life she was passionate about. The series is entitled "The Rite of Passage for Today's Twenty Something Woman" and in it she takes us through the mind and decisions facing 20-something women in America.

Part Two can be read here. Make sure to check it out and come back to give us your feedback as well as your personal experiences. We'd love to hear them!

Remember today's all about inspiration and finding YOURS! So be inspired! Now back to my macchiato.


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